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Fashion Stylist: Davide Costantini
MUA & Hair: Linda Marcuzzi
Photographer: Michele Bonicelli
Assistant Photographer: Diletta Scarpecci
Model: Giorgia Bellanova @2mmodel
Location: Gelsomina

The society in which we live leads us to make considerations, reflections and to have somewhat pressing and not very stimulating ambitions, regarding the prejudice of the female figure, of being beautiful and attractive. Who said that for pleasure and to be desired you must necessarily be the bearer of a dazzling and defined silhouette? Nobody !! And this is precisely the point, everyone must be free to be able to express themselves and appear to the eyes of others as they see fit. We are unfortunately anchored to what is the stereotype of the thin and tall woman.

We are waves from the same sea, leaves from the same tree, flowers from the same garden (Lucio Anneo Seneca).

With this photo shoot, we wanted to press on the concept of the woman persuaded by these unfounded and very decisive considerations. The protagonist of this story is an ordinary girl, who has the desire to become a model, who passing in front of a pastry shop window is fascinated by the vastness and aesthetic presentation of these sweets. The awareness of having to contain herself clouded her mind at first and the true desire to gorge on sweets almost vanished. However, taken by this stimulus and human desire, she develops a certain awareness and a personal position, deciding to enter and enjoy these sweets, not caring about what society requires.

Thus taken by a real moment of passion and personal pleasure, she realized what was her ambition and her spirit of a desiring person. He then came to assume a very sensual attitude that communicates with the sweet itself and with the abstract dimension of the atmosphere, getting his legs dirty, with sweetness, almost as if it were a flow of love and self seduction.

Emira M'sakni

Emira M'sakni

Founder e Creative director @spaghettimag Cool Hunter | Sun Addict | Moody |